International Studies

International Studies website
Phone: (209) 946-2650
Location: George Wilson Hall

Daniel O'Neill, Chair

Degree Offered

Bachelor of Arts

Majors Offered

International Relations 
International Relations with Departmental Honors

Minors Offered

International Studies


The School of International Studies is Pacific’s window to the world. Our international and interdisciplinary focus prepares students to succeed in a variety of global professions in industry, government, not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions.

The School of International Studies (SIS) grew out of the innovative programs in two of University of the Pacific’s three former “cluster colleges” (Callison and Elbert Covell) and the international majors offered in College of the Pacific. Established in 1987, SIS offers a unique and challenging environment that immerses students in an interdisciplinary approach to international affairs, and provides a community of students and faculty who share a deep intellectual curiosity for global issues.

The undergraduate program combines the study of political science, economics, history, and anthropology. Students develop strong research, critical thinking and analytical skills. Study abroad and competency in at least one second language are central to the curriculum. Students can take advantage of internationally and interculturally focused local internships as an option to studying abroad. Many students also complete internships abroad. The careers SIS graduates pursue range widely, and include positions in business, government, non-governmental organizations, and education.

Bachelor of Arts Major in International Relations

The International Relations major is designed for students with an interest in international politics, anthropology, and economics. In addition to the General Education Requirements, students take coursework in all three disciplines. The major provides an excellent foundation for a range of careers, including working in government, law, business and economics, as well as working and living in different cultural settings.

Students must complete a minimum of 120 units with a Pacific cumulative and major/program grade point average of 2.0 in order to earn the bachelor of arts degree in international relations.

I. General Education Requirements

For more details, see General Education

Minimum 28 units and 9 courses that include:

A. CORE Seminars (2 courses)

CORE 001Problem Solving & Oral Comm3
CORE 002Writing and Critical Thinking4

Note: 1) CORE Seminars cannot be taken for Pass/No Credit. 2) Transfer students with 28 or more transfer credits taken after high school are exempt from both CORE seminars.  

B. Breadth Requirement (7 courses, at least 3 units each)

At least one course from each of the following areas:
Artistic Process & Creation
Civic & Global Responsibility
Language & Narratives
Quantitative Reasoning
Scientific Inquiry
Social Inquiry
World Perspectives & Ethics

Note: 1) No more than 2 courses from a single discipline can be used to meet the Breadth Requirement.

C. Diversity and Inclusion Requirement

All students must complete Diversity and Inclusion coursework (at least 3 units)

Note: 1) Diversity and Inclusion courses can also be used to meet the breadth category requirements, or major or minor requirements.

D. Fundamental Skills

Students must demonstrate competence in:
Quantitative Analysis (Math)

Note: 1) Failure to satisfy the fundamental skills requirements by the end of four semesters of full-time study at the University is grounds for academic disqualification.

II. Core Requirements

ANTH 053Cultural Anthropology3
ECON 055Introductory Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy4
INTL 010Chair's Seminar1
INTL 077Contemporary World Issues3
INTL 081Perspectives on World History3
INTL 101Social Science Research Methods4
INTL 151Cross-Cultural Training I1
INTL 185SIS Capstone3
POLS 011Introduction to Comparative Politics4
POLS 051Introduction to International Relations4
Competence in a Modern Foreign Language at the level of 4th semester college course or equivalent (typically demonstrated through LANG 025)

III. Experiential Learning

Select one of the following experiential learning sequences:
Option 1
Overseas Study *
Option 2
SOCI 187 Experiential Learning **
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Select two more classes from the following list: ***
Environmental Health and Literature
Colonialism in Latin America
His-panic USA
People's History of Mexico
Food, Culture and Society
Environmental Health & Justice
Social and Cultural Change
Sociology of Health and Illness
Race and Ethnicity
Diversity, Equity and Inequality

The semester abroad must be in a program approved by the advisor as
appropriate to the major.


The internship chosen for the class must be approved by the advisor as
appropriate to the major


Additional classes focused on historical and domestic cultural diversity may be approved by your advisor

III. Upper Division Electives

Select four upper division electives from the following list, including at least one ANTH and one POLS. At least two out of the four courses must be taken at Pacific:
Modern Middle East
Anthropology of Africa
Urban Society
Culture and Economy
Culture and Power
Anthropology Theory
International Trade
International Finance
Economic Development
Global Economic Issues
Global Economic Issues
Western European Comparative Politics
Principles of Comparative Politics *
Politics of Asia
Theories of International Politics
International Political Economy
Causes of War
U.S. Foreign Policy
Global Environmental Policy

Bachelor of Arts Major in International Relations with Departmental Honors

The International Relations major is designed for students with an interest in international politics, anthropology, and economics. In addition to the General Education Requirements, students take coursework in all three disciplines. The major provides an excellent foundation for a range of careers, including working in government, law, business and economics as well as working and living in different cultural settings.

Students must complete a minimum of 120 units with a Pacific cumulative and major/program grade point average of 3.5 in order to earn the bachelor of arts degree in international relations with departmental honors.

I. General Education Requirements

For more details, see General Education

Minimum 28 units and 9 courses that include:

A. CORE Seminars (2 courses)

CORE 001Problem Solving & Oral Comm3
CORE 002Writing and Critical Thinking4

Note: 1) CORE Seminars cannot be taken for Pass/No Credit. 2) Transfer students with 28 or more transfer credits taken after high school are exempt from both CORE seminars.  

B. Breadth Requirement (7 courses, at least 3 units each)

At least one course from each of the following areas:
Artistic Process & Creation
Civic & Global Responsibility
Language & Narratives
Quantitative Reasoning
Scientific Inquiry
Social Inquiry
World Perspectives & Ethics

Note: 1) No more than 2 courses from a single discipline can be used to meet the Breadth Requirement.

C. Diversity and Inclusion Requirement

All students must complete Diversity and Inclusion coursework (at least 3 units)

Note: 1) Diversity and Inclusion courses can also be used to meet the breadth category requirements, or major or minor requirements.

D. Fundamental Skills

Students must demonstrate competence in:
Quantitative Analysis (Math)

Note: 1) Failure to satisfy the fundamental skills requirements by the end of four semesters of full-time study at the University is grounds for academic disqualification.

II. Core Requirements

ANTH 053Cultural Anthropology3
ECON 055Introductory Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy4
INTL 010Chair's Seminar1
INTL 077Contemporary World Issues3
INTL 081Perspectives on World History3
INTL 101Social Science Research Methods4
INTL 151Cross-Cultural Training I1
INTL 185SIS Capstone3
POLS 051Introduction to International Relations4
POLS 011Introduction to Comparative Politics4
POLS 151Principles of Comparative Politics *4
Competence in a Modern Foreign Language at the level of 4th semester college course or equivalent (typically demonstrated through LANG 025)

III. Experiential Learning

Select one of the following experiential learning sequences:
Option 1
Overseas Study *
Option 2
SOCI 187 Experiential Learning **
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Select two more classes from the following list: ***
Environmental Health and Literature
Colonialism in Latin America
His-panic USA
People's History of Mexico
Food, Culture and Society
Environmental Health & Justice
Social and Cultural Change
Sociology of Health and Illness
Race and Ethnicity
Diversity, Equity and Inequality

The semester abroad must be in a program approved by the advisor as
appropriate to the major.


The internship chosen for the class must be approved by the advisor as
appropriate to the major


Additional classes focused on historical and domestic cultural diversity may be approved by your advisor

III. Upper Division Electives

Select four upper division electives from the following list, including at least one ANTH and one POLS. At least two out of the four courses must be taken at Pacific:
Modern Middle East
Anthropology of Africa
Urban Society
Culture and Economy
Culture and Power
Anthropology Theory
International Trade
International Finance
Economic Development
Global Economic Issues
Global Economic Issues
Western European Comparative Politics
Principles of Comparative Politics *
Politics of Asia
Theories of International Politics
International Political Economy
Causes of War
U.S. Foreign Policy
Global Environmental Policy

Anthropology Minor

The Anthropology Minor is designed to allow students with an interest in Anthropology the opportunity to combine a generalized sequence of courses into a program. An Anthropology Minor broadens a student’s major field of study by exposing the student to the diverse ways of life of people around the globe. Students who complete the Anthropology Minor have a greater knowledge of the theories, concepts, and methods used by Anthropologists in the study of human cultures, past and present. A Minor in Anthropology is excellent preparation for further study in any field that requires the abilities to understand and engage with people from other cultures (including teaching, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, business, law, and counseling).

Students must complete a minimum of 20 units and five courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in order to earn a minor in anthropology,

Note: 1) At least two courses must be taken at Pacific as specified below.

ANTH 053Cultural Anthropology3
Select 17 units of advanced anthropology electives:17
Cross-Cultural Training I
Modern Middle East
Anthropology of Africa
Culture and Economy
Culture and Power
Anthropology Theory
Special Topics, Upper Division
SIS Capstone
SABD Course **
Approved ANTH Courses ***

Up to 4 units of non-anthropological classes taken abroad may count towards the minor


These may include anthropology classes taken on study abroad.

International Studies Minor

The minor in International Studies helps students from other disciplines prepare for globalization in the 21st century by systematically deepening their understanding of the world outside of the U.S. All minors in international studies start with two introductory courses that give students the historical context and tools to address current global issues.  Students who pursue a major in the School of International Studies are not eligible for an SIS minor.

Students must complete the required courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in order to earn a minor in international studies.

INTL 077Contemporary World Issues3
INTL 081Perspectives on World History3
Select 14 units from the following list, including at least 8 units of upper division electives, and at least 4 units taken at University of the Pacific*
ANTH 053Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 132Modern Middle East4
ANTH 134Anthropology of Africa4
ANTH 170Culture and Economy4
ANTH 172Culture and Power4
ANTH 188Anthropology Theory4
ANTH 193Special Topics, Upper Division1-4
ECON 125Economic Development4
INTL 101Social Science Research Methods4
INTL 107Global Economic Issues4
INTL 151Cross-Cultural Training I1
POLS 174Global Environmental Policy4
INTL 185SIS Capstone3
INTL 193Special Topics1-4
LANG 025 Intermediate Language, 4th semester ***
POLS 011Introduction to Comparative Politics4
POLS 051Introduction to International Relations4
POLS 141Western European Comparative Politics4
POLS 151Principles of Comparative Politics4
POLS 152Politics of Asia4
POLS 160Theories of International Politics4
POLS 164International Political Economy4
POLS 166Causes of War4
POLS 170U.S. Foreign Policy4
SABD Courses ****

Upper division courses include all of those with numbers 100 or greater


INTL 161 has a study abroad pre-requisite (or comparable international experience) and can only be taken after study abroad


One upper division Modern Language and Literature course taught in a foreign language or a fourth semester LANG 025 course may be counted towards the minor. The course may be taken at the University of the Pacific or on an approved study abroad program.


Up to 10 units of international electives taken on study abroad and approved by your advisor may be counted towards the minor

Anthropology Courses

ANTH 053. Cultural Anthropology. 3 Units.

This introductory course covers the anthropological view of humanity, the character and nature of culture, and the diversity of the human species. The major concepts, methods, and theoretical assumptions of the discipline are illustrated by applying anthropological perspectives to peoples from around the world. Topics include culture, ethnicity, and language; kinship, marriage, and social organization; time and space; religion, magic and rituals; gender and sexuality; power, inequality, and political relations; economic production, circulation, and consumption; social control; and the various forces and forms of change. (DVSY, ETHC, GE1C, GEDI, GEWE)

ANTH 093. Special Topics. 1-4 Units.

Occasional offerings on topics in anthropology of current interest to faculty and students. Normally will have no prerequisite.

ANTH 132. Modern Middle East. 4 Units.

How do Palestinians and Israelis conceptualize the ideal polity? How do Muslims understand the roles of women and men? How are historical experiences related to the collective memory of a community, and how does memory shape contemporary social life in the Middle East? How are local histories, societies, and cultures related to global processes of politics, economics, and culture? How do modern Middle Eastern peoples see their own identities and how and why do these conceptions differ from Western discourses about the region? This course is an introduction to thinking critically about these and related questions. Readings are drawn from various areas, that include history, anthropology, and literature. Middle Eastern experiences are also surveyed through other media, such as film. Students are encouraged to think critically about and beyond both popular Western images of the Middle East and supposed boundaries between nations and civilizations. Particular emphasis is given to the interconnections – political, cultural, etc. – between East and West, South and North. Sophomore standing.

ANTH 134. Anthropology of Africa. 4 Units.

Africa is a large and diverse continent that is characterized by a multiplicity of cultures, histories, identities and experiences. This course is designed to encourage an appreciation of the complexity of contemporary Africa and to consider how African realities may differ from common stereotypes of the continent. This is primarily a course on contemporary Africa but it also includes a historical overview of key events that continue to shape current realities such as trade and migration, colonialism, and nationalist struggles for independence. While contemporary issues such as poverty and political violence are addressed, the focus is on the richness and diversity of African lives and experiences from rural to urban settings across the continent. Course material addresses the interconnections between politics, kinship, gender, ethnicity, economics and history. Sophomore standing is required.

ANTH 153. Language and Culture. 4 Units.

In this seminar, the interconnections between language and culture are explored from an anthropological perspective that include approaches to the study of language within anthropology, methods of linguistic anthropological research, linguistic relativity, conversational styles, and links between language and power. (DVSY)

ANTH 161. Urban Society. 4 Units.

In this course we look at urban life from various perspectives: ethnographic, historical, geographic, and critical-theoretical. The course surveys cases from across the globe, focusing on South and East Asia; North, South and Central America; Africa; and the Middle East. We aim to see the city in a global and cross-cultural perspective and to question and contextualize the supposedly universal models of urbanism based on the Western experiences. (ETHC)

ANTH 170. Culture and Economy. 4 Units.

This course provides an anthropological approach to the study of economic behavior in a cross-cultural context. Are there places in the world where people don’t care about the latest cell phones or clothing fashions? Do people always seek to buy the most goods that they can with their money? Do different cultures define rational, maximizing behavior differently? In this class students explore the variety of different ways in which people produce, exchange and consume goods and how these processes are embedded in social and cultural institutions. Throughout the semester, students read ethnographic articles and case studies that discuss other peoples’ economic lives and touch on important issues of global poverty and development. Topics include markets, gifts, commodities, property rights, systems of production and exchange, and change within local and global economies. Prerequisite: ANTH 053 or ANTH 054.

ANTH 172. Culture and Power. 4 Units.

What is power? How are power relations configured differently across cultures? How is power institutionalized and contested in an increasingly interconnected world? The theme that unites all these concerns is the politics of everyday life: how power works in and through culture to shape the lives of individuals and societies. Topics of discussion include: conflict and conflict resolution,; law and custom, leadership and authority, social and cultural control, ritual and symbolism, gender, ethnicity, and identity politics, nationalism and colonialism, representation, agency and political subjectivity, civil society organizations and social movements, borders, boundaries and citizenship. (DVSY, GEDI)

ANTH 187. Internship. 1-4 Units.

An internship, approved and supervised by a faculty adviser, is an opportunity for a student to intellectually reflect on a supervised work experience in a setting appropriate for the student's career and life goals. Prerequisites: two advanced anthropology courses with a minimum 2.5 GPA.

ANTH 188. Anthropology Theory. 4 Units.

This course provides a critical review of the history of anthropological theory, that include its epistemology, paradigms, major concepts, central questions, and methodologies, as well as the relationships of these to each other and to their historical context. In tracing the discipline’s history from its precursors to its establishment as an academic discipline and then through the last century to the present, the course introduces students to major theoretical approaches in anthropology and interrogates the interconnections between anthropological theory, knowledge, ethics, and practice. Prerequisites: ANTH 053 or ANTH 054. Junior standing.

ANTH 191. Independent Study. 1-4 Units.

Permission of instructor. Junior standing.

ANTH 193. Special Topics, Upper Division. 1-4 Units.

Occasional offerings on topics in anthropology of current interest to faculty and students. Prerequisite: ANTH 053.

ANTH 197. Independent Research. 1-4 Units.

Advanced students are offered the opportunity to design and complete an independent research project under the direction of a faculty member beyond the requirements of other course work. Prerequisites: two advanced anthropology courses with a 3.0 Pacific GPA. Permission of Instructor.

International Studies Courses

INTL 010. Chair's Seminar. 1 Unit.

A general introduction to making a successful transition to college. Emphasis is placed on developing research and presentation skills, collaborative learning, critical thinking, and self-assessment. Students also develop a 4-year academic plan while learning about University resources and opportunities that complement and supplement their academic work. Required for all SIS first year students.

INTL 067. Introduction to Model United Nations (MUN I). 1-2 Units.

This course is an overview of the workings of the United Nations with particular attention paid to current world issues before that body. Emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking and oral advocacy skills in preparation for attending a competitive Model United Nations conference. Course may be taken for up to 2 units.

INTL 077. Contemporary World Issues. 3 Units.

Students will be introduced to the historical context of the most important current global issues, including imperialism, nationalism, political violence, poverty, economic development, and financial crises through a focus on either the issue or specific case studies. Students will also examine our obligation to act within the global community. (GE1C, GEGR)

INTL 077L. Twentieth Century Through Documentaries. 1 Unit.

Complementing INTL 077 (Contemporary World Issues), this video course offers historical footage of significant persons, events, and movements around the world throughout the 20th century. The discussion of the videos seeks to deepen understanding of the atmosphere and attitudes surrounding significant events of the 20th century. Prerequisite, may be taken concurrently: INTL 077 or permission of instructor.

INTL 081. Perspectives on World History. 3 Units.

Students study the shape of human history from its beginnings to the present day. The course is built around the work of historians, with the addition of anthropologists and political scientists, whose interpretations/perspectives differ, but whose insights help us to understand humanity’s life on Earth. (GE2B, GEWE)

INTL 093. Special Topics. 1-4 Units.

INTL 101. Social Science Research Methods. 4 Units.

Students are introduced to how research is conducted in the social sciences. The course shows how qualitative and quantitative research complements each other and it compares research methodologies in the different social science disciplines. The course also introduces basic statistical methods for analyzing social scientific data, and introduces the use of computers for quantitative analysis. Prerequisite: fundamental quantitative skills. (GE3B, GEQR, PLAW)

INTL 107. Global Economic Issues. 4 Units.

This course is an introduction to international trade, international finance and economic development. Economic principles and tools are used to understand the interconnected global economy. Topics include trade theory and policy; regional and multilateral trading system; trade and climate change; balance of payments; foreign exchange markets and exchange rate determination; and the role of foreign aid private capital flows and trade policy in economic development. This course is cross-listed as ECON 071. Prerequisites: ECON 053; ECON 051 or ECON 055. INTL 107 cannot be taken for credit if the student has taken or is concurrently enrolled in ECON 121 or ECON 123.

INTL 113. World Geography for the Social Sciences. 4 Units.

This interdisciplinary course is an overview of the study of human geography and is designed to promote both geographic literacy and critical geographical thinking. Issues and themes covered include cultural geography; political geography; space- and place-making; landscape, ecology, and resource consumption; cartography and its critics; and national, imperial, and gendered geographies and their critics. Case studies draw from many world regions and cultures. Sophomore standing.

INTL 123. Literature Across Cultures. 4 Units.

On the basis of selected works taken from the vast body of contemporary world literature, the course surveys the variety of literary expression from cultures around the globe. Although often separated physically by continents, creative writers respond to fundamental human dilemmas in ways characteristic of their craft as well as individuals and members of a culture. Students read, compare, and discuss these responses as they have been formed in Lagos, Berlin or Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Paris or Mobile. Emphasis is on conflicts that arise from post colonialism. General Education IC.

INTL 151. Cross-Cultural Training I. 1 Unit.

This course prepares students for interacting in cultures other than their own. It is designed to assist students in developing learning and coping strategies when outside their native cultural environment, such as while studying abroad, as well as the communication and intercultural skills needed for interacting successfully in new cultural environments. Topics include cultural values and assumptions, intercultural communication, and cross cultural problems and adjustment. (DVSY)

INTL 167. Advanced Model United Nations (MUN II). 1-2 Units.

This course offers advanced instruction on the workings of the specialized agencies of the United Nations and other international organizations with particular attention paid to current world issues before those bodies. Emphasis is placed on independent research and writing, as well as leadership skills, in preparation for attending a competitive Model United Nations conference. Prerequisite: POLS 051. May be taken for up to 2 units. (PLAW)

INTL 185. SIS Capstone. 3 Units.

This capstone course integrates the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary SIS core curriculum with the experiential learning of study abroad. This is accomplished through analysis of the role of the individual in a variety of cultural and historical contexts that pay particular attention to questions of identity and ethics in a complex global environment. Prerequisites: senior standing.

INTL 187. Internship. 1-4 Units.

An internship, approved and supervised by a faculty adviser, is an opportunity for a student to intellectually reflect on a supervised work experience in a setting appropriate for the student's career and life goals. Prerequisites: two SIS core courses and a minimum 2.5 GPA.

INTL 191. Independent Study. 1-4 Units.

Ordinarily limited to SIS juniors and seniors. Student must be in good academic standing. Permission of instructor.

INTL 193. Special Topics. 1-4 Units.

INTL 197. Independent Research. 1-4 Units.

Advanced students are offered the opportunity to design and complete an independent research project under the direction of a faculty member beyond the requirements of other course work. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Permission of instructor.

International Studies Faculty

Daniel O'Neill, Professor of Political Science and Chair, 2010, BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1987; MA, Washington University in St. Luis, 2005; PhD, Washington University in St. Louis, 2010, , 209.946.2225, George Wilson Hall, Room 202

Gerald J. Hewitt, Professor Emeritus, 1969, BA, University of Notre Dame, 1963; MA, University of Chicago, 1966; PhD, 1973.

Leonard A. Humphreys, Professor Emeritus, 1970, BS, United States Military Academy, 1945; MA, Stanford University, 1960; PhD, 1975.

Ahmed Kanna, Professor of Anthropology, 2009, BS, James Madison University, 1997; AM, Harvard University, 2000; PhD, Harvard University, 2006.., , 209.946.3925, George Wilson Hall, Room 107

David Keefe, Associate Professor Emeritus, 1978, BS, Cornell University, 1965; PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 1980.

Bruce W. LaBrack, Professor Emeritus, 1975, BA, University of Arizona, 1967; MA, 1969; MPhil, Syracuse University, 1975; PhD, 1979.

Susan G. Sample, Professor of Political Science, 1999, BA, University of Missouri, 1991; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1996.

Cortlandt B. Smith, Professor Emeritus, 1970, BA, University of California, Berkeley, 1968; MA, 1969; PhD, 1975.

Howard Moseley, Instructor, 2005, BA, University of the Pacific, 1989; JD, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, 1996.