International Certificate of Concentration

International Certificate of Concentration

Globalization is transforming the practice of law, obliging an increasing proportion of legal professionals to learn how to respond to the challenges presented by transnational and intercultural practice. McGeorge’s International Certificate of Concentration offers a strong foundation for a broad array of careers, whether your interests draw you toward public service or the private sector, to work abroad or in California, to litigation, transactions or a legislative/regulatory practice. Students who complete the certificate of concentration requirements will graduate with a solid grounding in public and private international law, in-depth exposure to at least one specialized doctrinal area, and advanced skills training that can help to provide a bridge to practice.

How to Apply

Apply by submitting the online application, which requires that you attach your resume and Statement of Purpose (at least 200 words on why you want to obtain the certificate of concentration and how it fits into your career goals). This application should be submitted at your earliest stages of planning, and in no case may be submitted after the Add/Drop Deadline of your final law school term. Students must schedule an appointment with the Faculty Director to plan their required curriculum and activities.

Requirements & Curriculum

Students must complete at least 11 units in the course categories designated below, including at least one capstone or experiential course or activity. With prior written approval, the Concentration Directors may vary the certificate requirements for good cause.

11 units minimum required for completion of Concentration
CORE COURSES (6 units minimum)UNITS
LAW 600Public International Law 13
Plus at least one of the following courses
LAW 625International Business Transactions 1,2,33
LAW 635Transnational Litigation 1,23
SPECIALIZED COURSES (minimum 5 units)
LAW 280U.S. Antitrust and International Competition Law2
LAW 375U.S. Taxation of International Transactions3
LAW 550Immigration Law and Policy 13
LAW 608International and Foreign Legal Research1-2
LAW 614International Protection of Human Rights3
LAW 619International Criminal Law 32-3
LAW 620International Environmental Law3
LAW 621International Water Resources Law Seminar (Course qualifies for experiential or capstone credit.) 43
LAW 630International Banking2
LAW 631International Negotiations (Course qualifies for experiential or capstone credit.) 42
LAW 647International Economic Law2
LAW 650European Union Law 31-3
LAW 675U.S. & International Sale of Goods2
LAW 680International Intellectual Property 31-3
LAW 689International Arbitration (Course qualifies for experiential or capstone credit.) 43
LAW 692Comparative Freedom of Expression (offered only at McGeorge's summer program in Salzburg, Austria.) 51
LAW 705Introduction to Space Law1
LAW 865Immigration Clinic (Course qualifies for experiential or capstone credit.) 43
LAW 990Directed Research1-2

1Courses are typically offered every academic year. Courses not so marked are typically offered once every two years.
2Courses are requirements of the McGeorge LLM in Transnational Business Practice.
3Courses will likely be taught by adjunct professors, including in some cases members of McGeorge's International Board of Advisors or faculty emeriti.
4Courses qualify for experiential or capstone credit.
5Courses are offered only at McGeorge's summer program in Salzburg, Austria.


Professors Omar Dajani | 916.739.7018 & Jarrod Wong | 916-739-7231, co-directors of the International Certificate of Concentration