Catalog Addendum 2024-2025

Change Date Area Item Change Made
9/24/2024 The Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy Admission requirement GRE scoring system, the minumum combined scores for verbal/quantitative sections went from 303 to 298 (page 178).
Fall 2024 McGeorge School of Law LAW 909 Update to course prerequisites: All course prerequisites are being removed - LAW 525, LAW 526, LAW 802
Fall 2024 McGeorge School of Law LAW 257 Update to course prerequisites: Course prerequisite is being removed - LAW 151
Fall 2024 McGeorge School of Law LAW 970 Update to course status: Course is being inactivated as of Fall 2024.
Spring 2025 Benerd College Pacific Global Program Location Update: Pacific Global program has relocated. The new location is: University Library. For any inquires or further information, please visit:
Spring 2025 Benerd College Pacific Global Program Location and Title Update: Pacific Global-Study Abroad program name has updated to Study Abroad and the program has relocated. The new location is: University Library. For any inquires or further information, please visit:
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 201 Update to course description: This course introduces a range of prevention and intervention methods grounded in generalist social work theory and the person-in-environment framework. A unifying framework of micro, mezzo and macro level practice for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities is introduced. The framework includes the practice phases of engagement, assessment, planning/contracting, intervention, evaluation, termination/referral, and follow-up. Students will gain a foundation upon which they can continue to add and build social work practice skills. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 203 Update to course description: This course introduces students to social work research. It focuses on understanding quantitative and qualitative research methods in advancing the science of social work and evaluation of social work practice. This course is taught in an online or hybrid format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 205 Update to course description: This course introduces students to the underlying values, assumptions, and philosophical perspectives that have influenced the development of the U.S. social welfare system and services. Students will learn about policy formulation, analysis, and the role of advocacy in service development and delivery within social work practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program.
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 207 Update to course description: This course introduces students to the global intersections and interconnections of diversity, human rights and justice. Students will develop an understanding of an integrated practice framework that advances human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice issues. Theories and strategies of human need and social justice are covered to prepare students to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice domestically and internationally. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program.
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 209 Update to course description: This skill-based course is anchored in the knowledge base of generalist social work theory & practice. Students will develop competency in performing essential social work skills to prepare for the generalist and specialized field placement. Specific skills focused on include demonstration of ethical and professional behavior and engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation with clients and constituencies. This course is offered in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program.
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 211 Update to course description: This course builds on integrating social work practice through a unifying framework of micro, mezzo and macro level practice for working with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. The framework will focus on integrating practice, leadership and technology skills to develop and provide social work services that advance social justice and improve well-being. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 213 Update to course description: This course introduces students to the concepts and language of mental health and mental disorders with a primary focus on the widely used classification system of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Students learn to distinguish mental health diagnostic categories and gain skills in the diagnostic process. The goals of the course are to further students’ competence in incorporating strengths in a comprehensive, multidimensional assessment and prepare students to practice in integrated health care settings. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 215 Update to course description: Building on core knowledge common to all fields of practice, this course examines advanced practice skills and interventions relevant to health care settings in work with individual clients, families, groups, and interdisciplinary teams. Social work practice is explored in the context of the psychosocial consequences of illness and current health care delivery. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Admission to the Master of Social Work program and successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 217 Update to course description: This course builds on generalist social work theory and practice with the addition of more intensive focus on assessment and intervention techniques with patients and constituencies. Students will develop service delivery plans based on the selection of appropriate theories, intervention models, and evidence-informed intervention utilizing a practice orientation that attends to human rights and social justice for diverse individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 218 Update to course description: This course is designed to prepare students in the Master of Social Work program to effectively conduct behavioral health assessments and the creation of treatment plans with multiple populations including adults, children, and families. The course integrates both the dissemination of knowledge as well as direct practice skills based on evidence-based and evidence-informed approaches. Special attention will be paid to the integration of diagnostic assessments, substance use evaluations, and lethality assessments with corresponding treatment plans for these specialized areas. Additionally, the role of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity in relation to assessment will be explored. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence.
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 219 Update to course description: This course focuses on the systematic study of social and economic conditions under which people live that determine their health. How social influences such as income, living conditions, education, infrastructure, religious affiliation, healthcare, social capital, stress, gender and race affect health and longevity will be explored. The role of public policy in shaping outcomes for communities will be examined. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 221 Update to course description: The course introduces a rights-based approach to leading innovation and social change through policy practice and advocacy. Using human rights and social justice principles, students will learn how to use specific policy and advocacy frameworks to plan for and lead strategies that facilitate social change with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 222 Update to course description: This course builds on basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis. Students gain knowledge and skills to use appropriate research methods for empirically based knowledge building and to enhance program and practice effectiveness. Content includes single system and group design and formative and summative approaches to practice and program evaluation. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 223 Update to course description: This course builds on basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis. Students gain knowledge and skills to use appropriate research methods for empirically based knowledge building and to enhance program and practice effectiveness. Content includes single system and group design and formative and summative approaches to practice and program evaluation. Students in other University of the Pacific graduate programs may take this course as an elective with the permission of the instructor. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 224 Update to course description: This specialized course will examine the bio-psycho-social development of children and adolescents as a basis for understanding healthy functioning and the ways that environments and circumstances shape us at physical, cognitive, emotional, and neurological levels. Special attention will be paid to the impacts of oppression on development with focuses on the impacts of racism, poverty, and the welfare system. Developmentally appropriate clinical interventions for children will also be introduced. Theories framing the foundation for social work practice with families will be explored and critiqued as they assist in understanding (1) the relationship between the family and its environment, (2) intergenerational family culture, structure, and process; (3) family life cycle processes; (4) internal family organization and process and (5) individual family meanings and narratives. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 225 Update to course description: This course will coordinate with the General Practice Field Placement and use a problem-based learning approach. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 227 Update to course description: This course will coordinate with Specialized Practice Field Placement I and use a problem-based learning approach. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 229 Update to course description: This course will coordinate with Specialized Practice Field Placement II and use a problem-based learning approach. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses in the SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 230 Update to course description: This course provides review and in-depth exploration of the range of traumatic experiences and their individual, familial, group and community significances. It will differentiate traumatic events and psychological trauma, and explore differences between traumatic stress, acute stress reactions, PTSD, individual and community and responses to historical and multigenerational trauma, with diverse populations. Students will examine social work theories, models and clinical approaches through the trauma perspective. Students will also become familiar with a range of assessment and clinical intervention tools and methodologies. Participants will also be introduced to the concepts of vicarious traumatization, secondary traumatic stress, and the importance of counselor/therapist wellness strategies for professional practice. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 231 Update to course description: This course provides an overview of social work practice with individuals experiencing alcohol and substance abuse, including the role of family systems, community networks, and experiences of trauma. The course prepares students for assessment, detection, and intervention for harmful alcohol and substance use in human services settings, with an emphasis on health care settings. The course provides a basis for understanding the prevalence of alcoholism and substance abuse, introduces models and theories of addiction and treatment, and develops skills in engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation for alcoholism and substance use with individuals from diverse backgrounds. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous courses SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 School of Health Sciences SOCW 232 Update to course description: Building on core knowledge common to all fields of practice, this course examines the loss and grief of the human experience across lifespan from the individual, familial, social, and organizational perspectives. Theoretical background and grief models examination are provided and psychosocial modalities are presented while exploration and practicing of tailored interventions. This course is taught in a hybrid or online format. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all previous SOCW course sequence
Spring 2025 McGeorge School of Law LAW 699 Update to course grade type: Added Pass/No credit grade option to the course effective Spring 2025.
Spring 2025 McGeorge School of Law JANUARY Update to academic calendar: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (holiday - classes made up on Monday, April 28)
Spring 2025 McGeorge School of Law FEBRUARY/MARCH Update to academic calendar: Presidents' Day (Monday classes will be held Tuesday February 18 and Tuesday classes made up on Tuesday April 29)
Summer 2025 McGeorge School of Law LAW 800 Update to course units: This course is being offered as a 1-2 unit range starting Summer 2025.
Summer 2025 McGeorge School of Law Session 2 Update to academic calendar: Sunday, June 1 - Saturday, July 5
Summer 2025 McGeorge School of Law Session 3 Update to academic calendar: Sunday, July 6 - Saturday, August 2
Summer 2025 McGeorge School of Law Salzburg Update to academic calendar: Monday, May 26 - Friday, July 25